International Passes: Mahuil Malal (formerTromen)Getting Here

This international pass is a direct connection between the cities of San Martín de los Andes (Argentina) and Valdivia (Chile); the road goes through Pucón, one of the most striking tourist centers in the neighboring country.

Mahuil Malal International Pass (former Tromen)

You can drive to this pass on international route CH 119, Pucón-Paso Mamuil Malal.

Curarrehue is the last Chilean city before the border; it is 40 kilometers (25 mi) from the international pass. Once you cross over to the Argentine side, after driving 50 kilometers (31 mi) on provincial route RP60 (gravel), you will arrive in the city of Junín de los Andes. From there, you drive a further 50 kilometers (31 mi) south-west along national route RN234 (paved) to get to San Martín de los Andes.

The landscape is striking: Millennial Araucarias guarding the striking rocky presence of the Lanín volcano 3776 mts high (12,389 ft)., and huge lakes together with the smoking Villarrica volcano completing the background.

It is located 1210mts (3970 ft) above sea level and it stays open throughout spring, summer and fall.

You can drive into Argentina from 8 am to 8 pm and back into Chile from 8 am to 7 pm.


Ministry of Tourism

Phone 0800 345 1975 int 307 y 308 - +54 (2972) 427315 int 307 y 308

Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas

(8370) - San Martín de los Andes - Provincia del Neuquén - Patagonia - Argentina